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Let your light shine!
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The light is always there. How much light comes to you depends on you.

- MCKS ,Modern Founder of Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga

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Pranic Healing involves transference of vital energy or life force


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Welcome to the world of Prana. Explore the possibilities of subtle energies to experience holistic health. Live an extraordinary life by harnessing the infinite source of prana available to everyone. Our objective is to share the knowledge and practical applications of prana to help you thrive. Manifest your greatness through Pranic Healing!   

Prana for health


The Pranic Healing System gives you the tools to harness Prana to regain your vitality and to target healing life force directly to areas of the body that have health problem.

Discover how to remove unwanted used-up energy to allow fresh prana to be absorbed by the energy body. Learn specific protocols for several ailments. Say goodbye to aches, pains!


Prana for healthy relationships

Everything is energy. Every day we interact with family, colleagues at work, and others. There is an exchange of energy with every interaction. Have you noticed how some people make us feel happy, confident?  Have you also noticed sometimes we feel low after interacting with someone? Pranic Healing gives us several tools, techniques to improve and harmonize relationships with ourselves and others. 

Learn to meditate

The Pranic Healing System offers a range of meditations for anyone looking to relieve stress to someone who wants to take their meditation practice to a deeper and higher level through the Arhatic Yoga system created by Master Choa Kok Sui.  

From the foundational Meditation on Twin Hearts to the more powerful Arhatic Yoga meditations, you can learn several spiritual practices to keep you calm and grounded, while increasing your connection to your higher self. 

Learn to prosper

Materialism and spirituality are like two sides of the same coin. Master Choa would say you need both to fly. Learn to balance the material and spiritual aspects of your life. Use laws of nature to attract abundance in all aspects of your life.

Upcoming Events/ Courses

Upcoming Higher Courses

MCKS Spiritual Business Management course- September 13th

Spiritual Business Management workshop is a revolutionary approach to successful management of our lives and businesses using Esoteric Laws.

While the core teachings are based on ancient spiritual and esoteric principles, its concise, innovative and effective approach to management is tailored and made relevant for the modern world.

MCKS Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul - September 14th, 15th

Spirituality is more than just meditations and chanting – it is a way of life. This workshop is highly recommended for everyone.

Although we look different, we have different professions and ways of life, we are all beings of light who knowingly or unknowingly are trying to evolve and realize our true nature. ‘ Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul’ makes this possible!

MCKS Super Brain yoga course online - August 11th

Superbrain yoga is a physical technique that can provide “energy fuel” that can keep our brain fit and functional, and can help counter the common mental effects of aging, memory loss, as well as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Superbrain yoga can reprogram, restructure and regenerate the growing brain.

Weekly Group Meditation on Twin Hearts & Mini Pranic Healing sessions - Every Monday online at 8pm

Come along to our weekly group meditation and nourish your body, mind and soul with divine energy.  Enjoy the meditation from the comfort of your own home. Become a magnet to attract more good luck and positive energy in your life.

Learn to feel prana and learn how to use it to bless your family, city ,country and Mother Earth. 

Weekly Group Meditation on Twin Hearts & Mini Pranic Healing sessions - Every Wednesday in person

Come along to our weekly group meditation and nourish your body, mind and soul with divine energy. Get a taste of pranic healing to get relief from any physical or psychological ailments.  Bring a friend, take advantage  and see what ‘prana’ can do to you.

MCKS Pranic Healing Course August 17,18th , 2024

Anyone with an open but discriminating mind can learn Pranic Healing in just 2 days. Learn to see the aura. Practice how to heal simple and complex ailments. Learn several techniques to increase your energy levels. This is a hands on practical course .The concepts and techniques will be explained and practiced exhaustively so you will be confident in your ability to produce results once you complete the course. 

MCKS Advanced Pranic Healing Course – August 24,25th, 2024

Learn to use colour pranas and advanced healing techniques for rapid healing of complex ailments and disorders. You will learn advanced scanning of the chakras ,deeper knowledge of the chakras and healing techniques to treat the different systems in the body. Get empowered to heal yourself and others using advanced pranic healing. 

MCKS Pranic Psychotherapy course- TBA

Learn to heal psychological ailments like stress,anxiety,depression,phobia,obsession,complusion,relationship issues, addiction and others. Understand how thoughts and emotions play a vital role in the health and well-being of a person. This is a groundbreaking course that will give you several tools to transform your life.

Oct 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Free Pranic Healing camp


The courses offered are designed to give a person a well-rounded, practical education in Energy Healing and other Esoteric Sciences. 

Messages of Love

See what people say after experiencing the miracles of Pranic Healing and how they use it in their daily life.


View images of our events and informative videos on Pranic Healing. Learn, get inspired to explore more about the Pranic Healing school.

About me

I am a certified Pranic Healer and an authorized instructor of the Institute for Inner Studies. I am passionate about sharing Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga with the wider community in South Australia to help people heal themselves and others.