Spiritual Business Management workshop is a revolutionary approach to successful management of our lives and businesses using Esoteric Laws. It is also gives a modern and friendly image to management.
By using energy and spiritual laws, the realization of plans and projects and overall implementation of labor relations can be made easier. A positive organizational environment, increased worker productivity and good return on investment can be created. Through the use of simple meditation techniques, individuals will develop a sharp mind, increasing their capacity to make accurate decisions and take care of critical business situations.
The Spiritual Business Management course also teaches how to handle situations that generate stress in the workplace, allowing employees to instantly recharge physically and mentally. Attendees will be given quick practical tips to remove “stress and tension energy.”
The spiritual empowerment of individuals results in;
The workshop is practical and well structured. While the core teachings are based on ancient spiritual and esoteric principles, its concise, innovative and effective approach to corporate management is tailored and made relevant for the modern world.
Spiritual Business Management is a revolution in managing business and managing life. It is highly recommended for everyone especially businessmen, retailers, entrepreneurs and students. If you own a business or not, you will benefit tremendously from this workshop!
MCKS Spiritual Business Management course takes 1 day.
Note: The courses should be taken in order since each level prepares the base for the later. The instructor himself along with the students practices the techniques while teaching. After every course an internationally accepted attendance certificate is given by Master Choa Kok Sui’s Institute for Inner Studies or World Pranic Healing Foundation.